7 min readJan 19, 2023
High APY app powered by options

How to get high ETH and USDC return on ETH or USDC using TYMIO app

The TYMIO app uses option liquidity in order to get a high fixed return from crypto assets. You could make a profit up to 100% annual interest from ETH and USDC if you are ready to sell ETH above market or to buy ETH below market value.

Thus, TYMIO allows clients to monetize their intention to sell or buy crypto assets at a certain price. Currently TYMIO app supports only ETH/USDC on the ETH blockchain and The Metamask wallet.

You get an increased return which depends on the buying or selling price levels and on the duration of the contract. You’ll make the profit in ETH or USDC and, in contrast to farming, there is no such thing as an impermanent loss. TYMIO is the perfect instrument for those investors who hold crypto assets and tend to earn a steady passive income.

How does it work?

Let’s look at two general cases.

The first case (https://sell-high.io): You’ve got an ETH and are ready to sell it above market value. For instance, the current ETH price is 1200 and you feel ready to sell it for 1350. You indicate the total number of ETH, the price of 1350 and then you can browse contract duration options. Usually the duration might be a couple of days, a week or a month. Fixed income will be shown in the “You Earn” column. You choose a suitable duration of the contract and then agree to the terms of the contact.

Click the “Confirm” button and send cryptocurrency from your Metamask wallet. You can have one of two outcomes after the specified number of days have passed:

1. If the ETH price exceeds 1350 on the day and at the moment of the contact expiration, that mean you have sold your ETH. In this case you get your return in USDC, which will be equivalent to the sold ETH (for 1350 each) added to the fixed income from the “You earn” column.

2. The price of one ETH is lower than 1350 at the moment of the contact expiration. In this case your ETH are not sold and you get back your ETH plus fixed income from the ‘You earn’ column.

As you can see, you earn fixed yield in any case, and you’ll probably sell your ETH at a considerably higher rate than it was at the transaction moment. The further the required ETH sell price is from the current market price, the lower is the probability that the transaction will take place. In the vast majority of cases, if you specify the price 15–20 % higher than the market value, you just get back your ETH plus an earned income. Thereby, TYMIO is a perfect instrument to get a passive income from your ETH.

The second case (https://buy-low.io): you’ve got an USDC and ready to buy ETH below market value in order to make passive income. For instance, current ETH price is 1200 and you feel ready to buy it for 1100. You indicate the total number of ETH, the price 1100, then you can browse contract duration options. Usually the duration might be a couple of days, a week or a month. Fixed income will be shown in the “You Earn” column. You choose a suitable duration of the contract and then agree to the terms of the contact.

Click the “Confirm” button and send cryptocurrency from your Metamask wallet. You can have one of two outcomes after the specified number of days have passed:

1. If the ETH price is above 1100 on the day and at the moment of the contact expiration, that mean you haven’t bought ETH. In this case you get your return in USDC added to the fixed income from the ‘You earn’ column.

2. The price of one ETH is lower than 1100 at the moment of the contact expiration. In this case your ETH transaction is valid and you get your ETH for 1100 and the fixed income from the ‘You earn’ column. .

As in the first case, the further the required ETH buy price is from the current market price, the lower is probability that the transaction will take place. In the vast majority of cases, if you specify the price 15–20 % lower than the market value, you just get back your USDC plus an earned yield which is significantly higher than your can earn with staking.

Thereby, TYMIO allows clients to monetize not the transaction itself, but intention to buy ETH. At the same time, the transaction itself may not take a place, you just get a passive income in USDC. You can repeat that transaction over and over again in order to generate positive cash-flow (up to 100% annual interest) from your stablecoins.

How is the payout made (reverse transaction)?

The payout is done automatically on the day of the expiration of the contract. The payment is sent to the address from which you sent the funds. The ETH network’s fees for incoming payments are covered by the sender, the fees for the reverse transaction are covered by the service.

Where does TYMIO’s high rate is come from?

The app connects the client with option platforms where traders place bets on a sharp and significant price increase, which allows them to get a multiple profit from the transaction. In most cases, this growth does not occur, and their money burns, or rather, goes to pay increased income in TYMIO. In the same rare cases when a sharp price increase still occurs, this is a great scenario for us: we sell /buy an asset at an excellent price, which we have indicated, and in addition receive a generous yield .

Another way to consider the source of increased profitability is to understand that the market pays you for limiting your potential return. For example, if you are ready to sell ETH at 1350, you deprive yourself of the opportunity to take advantage of the price increase above 1350. By owning an asset, however, you limit your profit potential from a strong price increase. This is the source of increased fixed return.

Is it safe to use TYMIO?

As described above, you get one of two options for the transaction, and they are described in detail at the conclusion of the contract. Thereby, if you are ready to buy/sell at the price you specified, there are no market risks when using TYMIO. You will get a result that is 100% planned and predetermined.

The funds that you transfer for the transaction are stored in a separate wallet that is not involved in any operations. In fact, they are only a guarantee for the implementation of the transaction, and for the transaction itself we use our own funds located directly at the liquidity platforms.

As with any custody service, despite all security precautions, there is a risk of wallet hacking/technical failure. In this case, we have a reserve liquidity fund, which is currently sufficient to ensure that the entire client funds held by us are 100% insured.

What situations are best suited for using the service?

You can make money on TYMIO without any risk if you are ready to sell/buy an asset at a certain price, and at the same time you do not need to do it immediately.

For example, you have decided to rebalance part of the assets from USDC to ETH, and are ready to do it at a price below the market value. Or, for example, you need to sell part of ETH by a certain date. In this case, using TYMIO, you’ll get more from the sale than if you just sold at the current market price.

What determines the profitability (APR)?

The profitability of the service changes dynamically, it is depending on the volatility in the market. This means that the stronger the price fluctuations, the greater the profitability the service can offer. If we browse the statistics by the days of the week, then the best day for making deals on TYMIO is Monday, and the worst, in terms of profitability, is Friday.

Depending on the market situation, the return may be better at sell-high.io or on buy-low.io. Try to track the current returns daily to get the best APR.

What if something goes wrong?

You can fill out the form on the website or write a message in the TYMIO community chat: https://t.me/+pt4wI83osNZmOWQ1 and we help you to solve the problem as soon as possible.

Are there any additional advantages of using TYMIO?

Yes, it is. TYMIO is a growing startup. The first 100 wallets are given the status of “early adopter” (TAE) and will receive airdrop tokens of the service, and will also be able to enjoy increased profitability after the official release of the service.

Is it possible to get more profitability than the service offers?

Yes, it is possible. If you have more than 100 ETH or equivalent in USDC, we will be happy to offer a higher percentage of return. To make such a transaction, you need to write to telegram @georgv .

TYMIO’s mission is to give everyone access to ways to get a risk — free increased income from option liquidity.

> Sell ETH above the market and earn guaranteed passive income -> https://sell-high.io

> Buy ETH below the market and earn guaranteed passive income -> https://buy-low.io